Hey there, thanks for popping by
and sharing my experience going
through John Thornhill’s
Partnership To Success mentoring
I chose to jump all in, after doing
my due diligence and recognizing
that John Thornhill and his team ,
demonstrate values I look for when
I get in a partnership.
To me, Know Like and Trust is
foundational to all successful
business relationships. I will
share more on that in a furture
Let’s get started. My natural
tendency is to skim though any new
projects and training and see where
I need to end up. For this training
I made a commitment to myself that
I would follow the program exactly
as laid out. I set aside one hour a
day to accomplish each day’s tasks,
understanding that some days will
require a little more or a little
less time.
So what does it take to Build An
Online Presence?
A blog is a great place to start!
It is the first step in giving
people a chance to get to Know who
you are.
The instructional videos provided
in days 1-5, are set up in a clear,
well paced manner.
On this blog post you will see the
results of completing each step
over the five days.
It took a while to decide on the
domain name as I have so many ideas
swirling around in my head. Once I
settled on Kevin Michaud Online –
Your Guide To Smart Marketing, it
didn”t take long determine what I
wanted in a logo.
I wanted it to be whimsical, yet
embrace fresh ideas, profitability
and growth. The process from start
to finish could not have been any
easier, resulting in a fresh new
logo installed within 24 hours.
Tell me what you think.

Now you are reading my first
detailed blog post. It may need
more work, but in the end I have
valuable skills to move me forward.
I am happy with my progress, and
impressed with the clear direction
provided in the training material.
The first steps to Building An
Online Presence are complete. I
have a new domain complete with
hosting. The framework for the blog
has been set up, and my first
detailed blog has been posted.
There is much more to come.
Click here for details on how you
too can follow the same steps in
Partnership To Success, and start
here your personal journey to
Building An Online Presence.